Activity - 29 May 2024

Gesteco specialists participate in the "At school safely" project

Regional initiative to promote the culture of safety to high school students

Safety in the workplace is a matter of vital importance, which requires collective and constant commitment. The tragedy involving the student Lorenzo Parelli in 2022 highlighted the need to strengthen safety measures, especially in company training courses.

In response to this event, the "Lorenzo Charter" was born, a manifesto dedicated to the memory of Lorenzo, with the aim of promoting a culture of safety at work, especially in school and training contexts and signed in 2023 by Lorenzo's family Parelli, from the regional administration of Friuli Venezia Giulia, together with schools, businesses, unions and other institutions.

Thanks to the know-how acquired over all these years of activity, Gesteco specialists promote training and awareness courses aimed at various subjects, including workers and employees. And not only. We believe early training in schools is essential, especially through programs that bring students closer to the world of work. This is why we are actively involved in local initiatives that promote the culture of safety, right from school.

“Safety at school”: initiative for the culture of risk prevention and health protection

The initiatives promoted by the Lorenzo Charter are integrated with the actions provided for by national legislation on health and safety in the workplace (Legislative Decree 81/2008). A concrete example of these initiatives is the "At school in safety" project, a collaboration between the Friuli Venezia Giulia Region, INAIL and Confindustria. This project involved 18 schools and almost 1,300 students, placing safety training at the center of the regional training offer.

A safe working environment not only preserves human lives, but also helps reduce accident-related costs, improve productivity and quality of work. However, legislation alone is not enough; It's not just about complying with regulations, it requires a cultural change. We must promote concrete actions to raise awareness, make people responsible and encourage prevention, systematically reducing accident events.

Gesteco in safety training: the OCJO project in FVG

Within the "At school safely" initiative, Gesteco actively participates as a training partner. With the help of Bruzio Bisignano, security consultant, we have developed innovative methodologies to raise awareness among young people about security, also using shows and direct testimonies that are part of the OCJO project.

Initially aimed at the dissemination of safety manuals in minority languages, it has become a complex project which includes, in the case of Friuli Venezia Giulia, the testimony of Flavio Frigè, invalid at work and representative of the National Association of Mutilated and Invalid Workers (AMNIL ) and the theater show by Trigeminus, with the show entitled "At the school of safety" focused precisely on the prevention of accidents and accidents at work.

A collective commitment to safety

We are aware of the importance of a culture of safety in the workplace (and not only) and of the need to keep awareness alive both among workers and within companies. We adopt prevention and action measures regarding this topic, constantly encouraging good practices internally and towards our customers.

Promoting safety in the workplace is not just a regulatory obligation, but an essential value that requires a profound cultural change. Through the adoption of the Lorenzo Charter and the involvement of industries and schools, we can build a future in which safety is a reality for everyone. Only through collective commitment and continuous awareness-raising can we avoid tragedies and create environments that protect the lives and well-being of all workers.