Environmental Investigations

Environmental investigations service on noise, emissions, soil, and water

Environmental investigations serve to assess the state and impacts of the environment in a specific area. From a technical and regulatory perspective, they allow the verification of the possible presence and concentration of pollutants in the environmental matrices of potentially contaminated sites.

They are essential to enable those who own or need to acquire land to understand the environmental quality, identify possible risks, define the interventions to be adopted, and verify the effectiveness of the mitigation measures adopted.

Gesteco has acquired extensive experience in this field and is therefore able to provide a comprehensive environmental investigation service, both from a documentary and technical/operational perspective.

The phases of the analysis process

Our technicians are responsible for:

  • collecting and analyzing existing and available data related to the geomorphological and environmental characteristics of the site in question;
  • defining the geological and hydrogeological context of the site;
  • collecting and evaluating information related to the activities carried out on the site and their production cycles;
  • identifying the polluting substances connected to the activities carried out on the site and their predictable locations within it;
  • identifying the potential targets of pollution;
  • identifying the pollutant migration pathways

 All activities culminate in the drafting of the characterization plan of the preliminary project and, subsequently, the final reclamation project.

The matrices investigated

The environmental matrices that we investigate are:

1. Environmental acoustics

Environmental acoustics is the discipline that focuses on the analysis and evaluation of noise pollution.
This type of pollution refers to the presence of noises inside living or outdoor environments that can cause annoyance, disturb daily activities, threaten individual health, damage ecosystems, and/or harm material goods such as historical monuments. Furthermore, noise pollution can hinder the proper enjoyment of the environments themselves.

The objective of environmental acoustics is to verify the acoustic well-being for people and the surrounding environment through the following activities:

  • Prediction of acoustic impact

The assessment consists in modeling, through specific predictive numerical software, the acoustic information related to a new work/plant comparing them with the data of the current situation obtained through accurate instrumental surveys in the field. In this way, it is possible to estimate the potential acoustic impact.

  • Evaluation of noise pollution in the outdoor environment
Analysis of the noise levels present in a specific area through sound level measurements conducted in accordance with the Decree of March 16, 1998 on "Techniques for the detection and measurement of noise pollution" and related evaluation carried out in accordance with the Framework Law on noise pollution n. 447/1995.

Our staff includes several competent technicians in environmental acoustics registered in the National Register ENTECA (L.Q. 447/1995 – D.Lgs. 42/2017).

2. Air emissions and air quality

We have developed a comprehensive service for monitoring atmospheric emissions, which includes both the control of industrial conveyed emissions and the evaluation of air quality.

3. Soil and subsurface

Soil and subsurface environmental investigations are conducted in different circumstances and phases of projects or activities that could affect the environment. Gesteco, thanks to its long and consolidated experience, offers complete support in these situations, providing analytical and management support.

Examples of activities:

  • Management of excavated earth and rocks pursuant to the Presidential Decree. 13 June 2017 n. 120

Verification of the requirements to qualify excavated earth and rocks from construction sites as by-products, pursuant to art. 184-bis Fourth part of Legislative Decree 152/06 and subsequent amendments.

  • DDA - Environmental Due Diligence

Prior to the start of building, infrastructure or industrial projects on a specific site, Gesteco supports the client in carrying out investigations to evaluate the presence of any contaminants or other problems in the soil and subsoil.

  • Environmental monitoring

Investigations aimed at complying with authorization requirements which include periodic analyzes to monitor the impact of their activities on the soil and subsoil.

  • Preliminary investigations

In order to evaluate the possible presence of contaminants from past or present activities, investigations are carried out to determine the extent and nature of the polluting substances present in the soil and subsoil (paragraph 2 art. 242 Title V Part Four of the Legislative Decree 152/06 and subsequent amendments).

  • Execution of characterization plans

The environmental characterization of a contaminated site can be identified with the set of activities that allow the reconstruction of the contamination phenomena affecting the environmental matrices, in order to obtain useful information in order to identify the most feasible and sustainable solutions for making it safe and/or site remediation (Annex 2 to Title V, Part Four of Legislative Decree 152/06 and subsequent amendments).

4. Water discharges and groundwater

Gesteco carries out sampling of wastewater, groundwater, and drinking water.

Our technicians at work

Acoustic measurement in outdoor environment
Outdoor noise level measurement
Transcription of noise events - measurement campaign
Calibration phase of the sound level meter before and after measurements
Phonometric measurement in outdoor environment
Acoustic impact: noise dispersion modeling
Processing of sound measurements
Noise impact: modeling of noise dispersion