Who we are

We design and develop integrated solutions for the industrial sector

We are a dynamic industrial reality with over 35 years of experience and a flexible structure capable of intervening in a timely manner in three major sectors: environment, construction, and sustainability

The services we provide allow finding the most suitable solution throughout our clients' company processes, from the analysis and study of the environmental context to the research and implementation of the optimal solution. We also provide environmental consulting and prevention, health, and safety services in the workplace.

Our story

When sustainability had not yet taken on the meaning and importance it has today, we naturally focused on environmental activities with the management, organization, and treatment of the entire chain of special and municipal, hazardous and non-hazardous waste.

The first core business dates back to 1951, with the activity of extraction of gravel from rivers. Then in 1987, Gesteco Spa was established and since then we have evolved, developing remediation and reclamation activities for large contaminated areas. These activities are managed with the support of our Internal analysis and research laboratories.

Sustainability is a concept that Gesteco (and all companies of the Luci Group) have been applying even before it was talked about. We have been involved day after day, re-evaluating all our activities, until reaching the goal of creating, in 2020, the sustainability incubator Beeability.

With almost 40 years of experience, we are aware that Gesteco's real strength lies in the perfect integration of its services, which not only have a common basis of planning and methodologies, but also synergistically integrate to offer effective and sustainable solutions. This approach allows us to address environmental challenges in a complete and consistent way, ensuring a lasting positive impact on communities.

"Our entrepreneurial history is proof that we have been able to transform the critical aspects of an ever-evolving sector into strengths for the company. All of this has always been done with respect for the environment, with a strong commitment to sustainability, social inclusion, and innovation."

Graziano Luci

Adriano Luci

Our mission

The reduction of the environmental impact guides all our actions

We offer our innovative approach, always sensitive to the needs of our interlocutors. We provide complete support both from a technical and strategic point of view, with the aim of mitigating risks and preserving the surrounding environment. We are constantly attentive to promoting sustainability in all three of its dimensions (environmental, social, economic).

Our mission is aimed at reducing environmental impacts and protecting the territory

We are committed every day not only to mitigate the impacts of others, but also to reduce our own impact, applying the principles of the circular economy in our business activities.

We constantly seek new business opportunities and develop proposals in the environmental sector. We work to restore to society, after each remediation and treatment intervention, a regenerated territory ready to offer new growth opportunities. Our intention is to give new life to previously disused areas, actively promoting the reduction of environmental impacts and thus contributing to a more sustainable future for future generations.

With a constant commitment to innovation, sustainability, and social responsibility, we are dedicated to realizing environmental engineering projects that not only solve immediate emergencies, but also contribute in the long term to improving the surrounding environment and the quality of life of the communities involved. This is a comprehensive commitment that sees recycling and the reprocessing of waste materials as the necessary condition to optimize all available resources for humans and limit the quantities and frequency of disposed waste.

Our vision

We want to be generators of sustainable impacts through our actions and strategic choices

We aim to positively influence and guide our stakeholders and the community towards an environmental and social ecosystem based on the principle of circularity, in line with the achievement of the goals of the Agenda 2030. We aim to have a positive influence on every phase of the industrial process, integrating cutting-edge practices and technologies to ensure responsible environmental management.

The three divisions


It deals with environmental analysis and investigations, remediations and redevelopments, securing polluted areas, management and transport of hazardous (and non-hazardous) waste

Demolitions, aggregates, and pre-packed materials

Focused on extraction, processing, and sale of aggregates, as well as interventions for the demolition of civil and industrial buildings


It operates in the industrial and commercial construction sector, offering comprehensive services from design to installation

Gesteco in figures




renewable energy


analysis laboratory


main administrative headquarters


operating sites and plants


company fleet means


earthmoving machines


mobile plants