Environmental technical consultations

Environmental engineering service

The environmental technical consultancy we provide to companies stands out for its in-depth and comprehensive perspective on environmental aspects, enriched by a wealth of experience. The support we provide ranges from the processing of permit applications and environmental assessments, to environmental monitoring plans and characterization plans. 

 Gesteco's experts integrate a comprehensive view of the environment with the knowledge and know-how acquired over the years. This multidimensional approach enables us to comprehensively and in detail tackle every environmental challenge, offering targeted solutions and effective strategies. 

 All this translates into highly professional consultancy support that takes into account the critical aspects of the environment, ensuring compliance with regulations and the promotion of sustainability in every project and initiative.

Environmental consulting services

Our team specializes in providing customized support carefully designed according to the specific needs of each client.

1. Elaboration of authorization requests and environmental assessments

  • Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) - art. 25 Part Two of Legislative Decree 152/2006 and subsequent amendments 
  • Procedure for the verification of the need for an EIA (screening) - art. 19 Part Two of Legislative Decree 152/2006 and subsequent amendments 
  • Regional Single Authorization Measure (PAUR) - art. 27-bis Part Two of Legislative Decree 152/2006 and subsequent amendments 
  • Integrated Environmental Authorization – Title III-bis Part Two of Legislative Decree 152/2006 and subsequent amendments 
  • Single Permit for waste treatment plants - art. 208 Part Four of Legislative Decree 152/2006 and subsequent amendments 
  • General authorization for atmospheric emissions for plants and activities subject to exceptions – art. 272, paragraphs 2 and 3, Part Five of Legislative Decree 152/2006 and subsequent amendments 
    Single Environmental Authorization (AUA) – D.P.R. 13th March 2013, n. 59
    Main authorizations included:
    - water discharge authorization
    - Chapter II Title IV Part Three of Legislative Decree 152/2006 and subsequent amendments
    - authorization for atmospheric emissions - art. 269 Part Five of Legislative Decree 152/2006 and subsequent amendments
    - noise impact – art. 8 Framework Law n. 447/1995
    - waste-related communications – art. 215 and 216 Chapter V Title I Part Four of Legislative
    Decree 152/2006 and subsequent amendments

2. Implementation, auditing and consulting in the field of management systems

  • UNI EN ISO 9001:2015 - Quality Management System (QMS)
  • UNI EN ISO 14001:2015 - Environmental Management System (EMS)
  • UNI ISO 45001:2018 - Occupational health and safety management system (OHSMS) 
  • UNI CEI EN ISO 50001:2018 - Energy Management System (EnMS)
  • UNI EN ISO 20121:2013 - Sustainable event management systems (SEMS)

3. Technical support for environmental management

Activity aimed at supporting organizations in the implementation and management of responsible and sustainable environmental practices.

  • Management of environmental aspects

Considering the organization's specifics and its impacts on the environment, Gesteco offers effective operational practices for the accurate management of environmental aspects through identification, measurement, assessment, and implementation of mandatory compliance.
Analysis of environmental aspects often leads to initiatives that result in environmental engineering projects aimed at reducing the environmental footprint

  • Verification of the environmental compatibility of a project

It represents a process aimed at ensuring that an initiative complies with the environmental laws, regulations, and standards in force. The objective is to ensure respect for the surrounding environment and identify any restrictions imposed by environmental regulatory provisions.

  • Environmental training and awareness

Targeted and personalized training focused on the main environmental aspects related to the specific activity, designed to adapt to the individual needs of the client.
In addition to deepening environmental regulations, the purpose of the activity is to promote the implementation of sustainable behaviors.

  • Management of environmental emergencies

Development of plans and strategies to address environmental emergency situations, such as spills of polluting substances or industrial accidents.

4. Environmental monitoring plans

Gesteco implements, supervises, and carries out environmental monitoring plans both within the scope of the periodic checks required by the environmental permits of production sites, and in relation to construction activities.

This second scenario is carried out in conjunction with the environmental compatibility requirements of the work, carefully evaluating the environmental impacts related to the different phases of the project (pre-construction, during construction, and post-construction).

Depending on the scenarios, the main monitored matrices are:

  • Soil and subsoil
  • Groundwater
  • Air emissions
  • Air quality
  • External noise
  • Water discharges
  • Odor impact

Once the objectives of the environmental monitoring plan are defined, specific procedures are developed for its implementation, selecting the most high-performing tools and technologies.
Based on the established periodic frequencies, systematic reports will be prepared containing the summary of the monitoring results in order to share the information with the interested parties.

Environmental monitoring plans ensure effective surveillance and management of environmental activities, ensuring full compliance with current regulations, monitoring performance, and achieving environmental objectives. They allow for consciously undertaking preventive corrective actions.

5. Characterization plans, remediation projects, and requalification works for polluted sites

We carry out characterization plans, remediation projects, and works of requalification of contaminated sites.

Our experts at work

Gesteco headquarters in Remanzacco - consulting services
Gesteco consulting service: implementation, auditing, and consultancy on management system matters
Gesteco consulting service: processing of authorization requests and environmental assessments
Gesteco consulting service: environmental monitoring plans
Gesteco consultancy service: implementation, auditing, and consulting on management system matters
Gesteco consulting service: environmental monitoring plans