Activity - 8 October 2021

Gruppo Luci X Agenda 2030: the stages of the Group towards a more sustainable future

The first analysis document on environmental and social sustainability issues by Gruppo Luci has been published

What is Agenda 2030

The 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development is an action program, signed in 2015 by the member countries of the UN, with the ambition of guiding the world on the path to be taken in the coming years. The Agenda is indeed articulated in 169 targets, summarized in 17 Goals for Sustainable Development, which the signatory countries have committed to achieve by 2030.

The 17 Goals are universal, meaning they refer to common problems in all countries, such as the fight against poverty and hunger and the contrast to climate change, and are extended to all individuals, with the intention of not wanting to leave anyone behind: leave no one behind.

Why did Gruppo Luci want to report on its commitment to ESG issues?

In recent years, especially due to the pandemic, they have heavily affected the achievement of the Goals established by Agenda 2030. At a global level, in fact, the realization of the Goals has been slowed down, stopped and, in many cases, even reversed. Moreover, the differences between the various countries in social and environmental performance, already significant before the spread of the pandemic, have been further emphasized.

In this context, therefore, wanting to use a moment of crisis as an opportunity for change and innovation, Gruppo Luci has given the Beeability® team the task of conducting an internal analysis to obtain an overview of the actions taken and to be taken in the field of social, environmental and economic sustainability.

How did we do

The UNI ISO 26000 guideline provides over 450 recommendations that have a direct impact on the Sustainable Development Goals, so it is the ideal tool to guide organizations to operate ethically and transparently.

For this reason, the Beeability® team started with a thorough analysis of the seven fundamental themes of ISO 26000, in order to make them their own and adapt them to the core business of the entire Luci Group. Based on these themes, six areas of action were identified: People in the company (including Human Resources and Good business practices), Community and territory, Environment, Supply chain, Customer management and Governance.

The next step was then to map the main sustainable business activities and evaluate them based on their importance for the achievement of the 2030 Agenda, distinguishing primary impacts from secondary impacts.

The purpose of this work is therefore to measure Gruppo Luci's contribution to the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals, identifying areas for improvement in order to plan, in the medium to long term, actions to enhance the Group's sustainable path.

What does "Gruppo Luci x Agenda 2030" contain?


Adhering to all laws and policies aimed at preserving and protecting workers' safety, Gruppo Luci mainly contributes to Goals 3 (Good Health and Well-being), 8 (Decent Work and Economic Growth), and 17 (Partnerships for the Goals). Sustainability, in fact, cannot be identified solely within an environmental context, but must also include the social sphere: for this reason, companies within Gruppo Luci carry out numerous activities to ensure employees' well-being.


Gruppo Luci is committed to promoting activities aimed at the growth of the territory and the community. According to President Adriano Luci's vision, the company, people, the territory, and social growth are all interconnected. For this reason, the Group promotes research, sports, activities, events, and is open to collaborating with other organizations, foundations, associations, and companies for the growth of its businesses and all involved parties.


Despite facing and solving different challenges, the companies within Gruppo Luci all share the same mission: to provide the territory, businesses, and people with a healthy and wholesome environment to live and work in. Therefore, in line with its efforts and expectations, the Goals to which the Group contributes the most are 11 (Sustainable Cities and Communities), 12 (Responsible Consumption and Production), and 3 (Good Health and Well-being).


According to the UN, the next ten years will be crucial in undertaking "significant changes in our way of thinking and acting" to tackle climate change. In the Decade of Action, companies are asked to no longer consider themselves as closed entities, but rather as links in the same chain along which to share the principles of the 2030 Agenda.


Gruppo Luci manages customer relationships with a sustainable approach, which includes providing education and accurate information and promoting sustainable consumption. This way, the Group can achieve the Sustainable Development Goals and help its customers achieve theirs.


Governance refers to how companies are directed and controlled, determining company values and objectives and the supporting culture to achieve them. What is outlined in all chapters of "Gruppo Luci x Agenda 2030", focused on workplace safety, employee quality of life, and environmental respect, is not just a trend for Gruppo Luci: it is its history, reputation, and mission.