Events - 9 June 2023

AiFOS awards the initiative "The value of participation as a resource for the future of the planet"

Our project related to sustainability awareness has been awarded

The "AiFOS for Future - Sustainable Training Centers" award recognizes Gesteco's initiative on awareness and sustainability.

The competition was open to all AiFOS Training Centers in Italy (of which Gesteco is a part) that had carried out activities to raise awareness about sustainability to achieve the goals of the 2030 Agenda. The award ceremony took place in the beautiful setting of Lake Garda in Brescia, coinciding with the Sustainable Development Festival.

The award commission selected the three best projects presented, considering sustainability, originality, and innovation.

The competition aims to enhance the work of members involved in spreading concepts related to sustainability.

The winning project "One day or day one? The choice is yours!"

The initiative consists of a series of meetings and shared reflections on the environment and our role in preserving it. Thanks to its methodology, it can be applied in various contexts: from schools to universities, to public events.

The scientific dissemination events that the Gesteco team carries out provide the right opportunity to raise awareness about actions and gestures that contribute decisively to mitigating the impact on the environment.

Finding an original and innovative way to engage people in the topic is the strategy to gain awareness of actions and gestures that often escape us due to the frenzy of our days, but which can instead be the key to reducing our impact on the environment. From a certain point onward, in fact, on the so-called overshoot day, we all are in debt to the planet and, above all, we are subtracting resources from our future generations.

The applied methodology

The event involves all participants, going beyond simply sharing information, but with a new mode of awareness that, through "play" and "active participation," seeks to make people reflect on the impacts fueling the climate crisis which will increasingly affect us closer and closer.

There are two cornerstones of the initiative:

  • A reflection on our lifestyles

Environmental sustainability is the challenge of our time, and the scarcity of resources is forcing us to rethink our lifestyles. In fact, just as we are responsible for the water crisis or the rise in temperatures, at the same time, it is our own actions that can help to stop or reverse this trend.

  • Questions and answers with "raising the paddle" to discover together the profile of the participant and our impact on the environment

Digital and analog tools were used. The technicians engage the audience, creating a synergistic relationship that allows them to be active and not passive listeners. This gives them the opportunity to express their point of view using a paddle to respond and evaluate their own impacts. The idea is to promote the involvement of the public with a lively style, making them the protagonists of the changing world.

This has allowed the collection of data regarding certain issues: climate crisis, efficient use of resources, plastic and microplastics in the seas, food waste, water use, energy, and emissions (also derived from the digital world)

The final result

The identity card of the people present and the calculation of their overshoot day, that is, the "day of overexploitation," which indicates the depletion of resources that the Earth can regenerate in a year. A real-time calculation of the ecological footprint.

This initiative becomes a model. A key methodology that can potentially be replicated in different contexts. It also becomes a powerful tool for comparative analysis to evaluate the results obtained, both of the identity card (the social persona) and the ecological footprint in different contexts and applied targets.

The promoters of the initiative

Beeability: the sustainability specialists of Gesteco

Beeability was born in 2020 within Gesteco to guide companies' and stakeholders' processes towards sustainability.

The team of specialists at Gesteco is characterized by heterogeneous and complementary skills in the environment and sustainability, and offers a series of services related to the environmental world, with particular attention to circularity. It tracks and monitors environmental impacts with the aim of increasing social well-being, spreading knowledge and best practices to citizens and businesses.

The fundamental objective is to promote decisive changes in people's behaviors and attitudes. Small actions have significant effects, even on the environment and sustainability.


AiFOS, the Italian Association of trainers and operators for workplace safety with national representation, enhances the professionalism of its members by issuing the "Quality and Professional Qualification Certificate for the services provided by the member."

Since 2018, AiFOS has been spreading the culture of health, safety, and sustainability in various living and working environments. The aim is to raise awareness about concepts such as health and well-being, gender equality, diversity inclusion, decent work, work-life balance, and environmental respect.

For more information about the initiative or the consulting services offered by Beeability on sustainability, you can send us a message to:

Below, the press review of the news: