Activity - 6 February 2023

Gesteco once again supporting art in our territory

Casa Cavazzini reopens with the exhibition Insieme, open from February 18th to July 16th, 2023. The protagonists, among others, are Millet, Previati, Kandinskij, Picasso, Dalì, Guttuso, Modigliani, and Pistoletto.

At the renovated and prestigious headquarters of Casa Cavazzini, Museum of Modern and Contemporary Art of Udine, a new major exhibition curated by Don Alessio Geretti along with the cultural association "Comitato di San Floriano" and the Municipality of Udine will return, from February 18 to July 16, 2023.

The exhibition is entitled Insieme and will narrate the human condition, defined by the need to recognize ourselves and seek communion and cooperation with others, reaching bonds that are worth a lifetime, on one hand, and confronting ourselves, on the other, with the experience of loneliness, the challenges of communication, and conflict.

An inner journey in which to reflect

The exhibition aims to be a real inner journey for the spectator, in which one can see themselves in various facets and stages of life. "The exhibition is like a mirror for each of us"– explains Don Geretti at the press conference –. The mirror is a feature that is proposed both at the beginning of the exhibition with Salvador Dalì's work in which he portrays his wife from the back while she is looking in the mirror and at the end through the work of Michelangelo Pistoletto.

The entire exhibition is divided into multiple rooms, each of which aims to represent a theme (relationships and art, loneliness and distances, love, blood, etc.) until reaching the two final outcomes: getting lost or finding oneself.

These two opposing solutions represent on one hand the loneliness and human disorientation, the unraveling of relationships with the community, on the other hand the rediscovery, the communion with others.

Modern and contemporary art is almost constantly permeated by these themes, as though the genius of many artists, from the age of Romanticism onwards to the late Twentieth century, intended to place man in front of a mirror in their works and question "that distance between us".

On the other hand, the challenge of every art – even in the modern and contemporary age – is to make an encounter happen, to make a connection possible, between interiority and exteriority, between matter and spirit, between sense and form, between the artist and us: the work of art, with its substances, its lines and its performance, is a space of encounter, not an object.

Over 60 masterpieces

The exhibition Insieme will present 60 masterpieces from 8 different European countries, by great authors: in confidence, for now, we can reveal that masterpieces by Millet, Previati, Kandinsky, Picasso, Dalì, Guttuso, Modigliani, Pistoletto, and others will be present.

Among the international works, a piece by the Friulian artist Mirco Basaldella will be exhibited to the public for the first time. An artwork created for a Dino de Laurentis film in 1976, and since then kept in his Beverly Hills villa. Kindly loaned to Casa Cavazzini for this "major exhibition" by the new owner, after purchasing it at an auction in 2022.

This will undoubtedly help the city of Udine and Friuli Venezia Giulia to strengthen their cultural and tourist vitality. After the attendance of 60,000 at the previous exhibition, the prospect of reaching 80,000 visitors in this new splendid exhibition seems plausible.

How to visit the exhibition

From February 18th to July 16th, 2023, it will be possible to visit the exhibition during the following opening hours:

  • Monday 2:00 PM – 6:00 PM
  • Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday 9:30 AM – 6:30 PM
  • Friday, Saturday, Sunday 9:00 AM – 8:00 PM

We look forward to seeing you in large numbers!