Events - 28 July 2021

The Young Industrialists Group of Udine visiting our new headquarters in Remanzacco

For the second meeting of the "Past president-New challenges" initiative promoted by the Youth Entrepreneurs Group of Confindustria Udine, our Remanzacco branch opened its doors to a large and interested delegation of young entrepreneurs led by Valentina Cancellier.

We reiterate what President Adriano Luci stated during his speech:

"Joining the Young Industrialists Group is important to share experiences, projects, and even dreams in a 'family-like' environment. It is a formative step that is necessary for professional and personal growth. I have decided not to enter politics, but to pursue 'industrial politics' with the support of my family."

And furthermore: "The young group is a gym for life. Visits to the excellent companies in the area are a great opportunity to break away from one's certainties and habits, confronting different but certainly effective points of view and company management. They are a continuous enrichment and stimulus."

The entire speech has been published in an article in "Realtà Industriale" and it is available in PDF format in the attachments section.

Industrial Reality Article