Events - 7 December 2023

Gesteco presents its first Sustainability Report to stakeholders at Confindustria Udine

The picturesque Tower of Santa Maria at Confindustria Udine was the setting where Gesteco had the pleasure of presenting its first Sustainability Report to stakeholders, with the aim of sharing the economic, social, and environmental results generated by the company; the document reflects the commitment to accelerate the transition towards a more sustainable economy.

After the initial greetings by Michele Nencioni, Director of Confindustria Udine and the Vice President of Gesteco, Adriano Luci, Chiara Pontoni, Sustainability Manager at Gesteco, took the floor and shared the results from the Sustainability Report, including: 

  • the purchase of electricity from renewable sources
  • the self-production of renewable energy guaranteed by the company's owned photovoltaic plants, combined with the purchase of energy with origin guarantee, which allows to cover 21% of the total company consumptions, avoiding the emission of 391 tonnes of carbon dioxide equivalent; 
  • the use of 74% recycled plastic for packaging aggregates

Furthermore, Gesteco actively promoted awareness of social, environmental and governance sustainability, actively involving customers, suppliers, and the entire community. The company's vision goes beyond operational excellence, aiming to inspire widespread and responsible participation to create shared value.

During the Sustainability Report development process, Beeability – the sustainability team of Gesteco – involved colleagues from various business functions in reporting performance in accordance with the GRI standards framework. Gesteco has embarked on this journey in partnership with LifeGate, a leading company in the sector and a reference point for sustainability in the national scenario. 

During the event, Paola Bezzi, Sustainability Manager of LifeGate, illustrated the contents of the document, presenting the methodological approach adopted, the regulatory framework, and the new challenges for the future in the context of circularity and ecological transition. 

The event concluded with the intervention of Adriano Luci who emphasized the importance of the path taken, "a decisive step towards improving all business processes, which must be oriented towards sustainability and circularity. We want to be a virtuous operator capable of valorizing waste, materials, and residues, giving them a second life, all with complete transparency."

The presentation of Gesteco's Sustainability Report was an opportunity to raise participants' awareness of the importance of adopting virtuous behaviors. This is not only to comply with current or upcoming regulations, but also to respond to the (climatic, global and economic) changes we are experiencing in order to innovate towards more responsible business models. Integrity, transparency, and coherence will be the keys to a more sustainable future.

Gesteco therefore aims to be a change agent, committed to transforming waste and by-products into reusable resources, in line with the European Union directives and in constant dialogue with stakeholders.

The next steps

Looking to the future, a sustainability plan with short, medium, and long-term objectives has been defined. Among the most important actions, there is the implementation of a diversity and inclusion policy, involving suppliers in sustainability training activities, and activities to reduce the organization's carbon footprint.

To download the Sustainability Report, we invite you to read the dedicated article: Circularity and transparency: we have published the first Sustainability Report.