Activity - 9 November 2023

Circularity and transparency: we have published the first Sustainability Report

A document reflecting the effort we have made to accelerate the transition towards a more sustainable economy, aware of the responsibility to account for and communicate our journey.

Reporting sustainability: our first Report

In order to develop the culture of sustainability, it is necessary to define a pragmatic path, based on facts and impact measurement, in continuous interaction with stakeholders. We believe that this is the key to our journey, and we have drafted our first Sustainability Report.

This document reflects the effort made to accelerate the transition to a more sustainable economy, aware of our responsibility to report and communicate our progress.

The regulatory landscape is constantly evolving, and the policies and strategies of the European Union urge us to innovate and transform challenges into opportunities for business development, benefiting the environment, the territory, and the communities.

We believe that transparency in communicating our progress and objectives related to sustainability is essential to involve stakeholders, inspire trust, and demonstrate a real commitment over time towards more sustainable practices.

The Objectives

The 2022 Sustainability Report focused on two main objectives. Firstly, we sought to consolidate the internal culture by placing sustainability reporting at the center, thus recognizing its strategic importance in revealing improvement opportunities aimed at creating value.

Secondly, we aimed to communicate our reality in an accessible language, considering the complexity of the sector and the organization, mainly active in the environmental and industrial construction fields. We paid particular attention to highlighting our virtuous role in giving new life to waste and transforming it into valuable resources.

The Report describes the complexity of our activities: Gesteco is, in fact, a multifaceted organization dedicated to addressing the various implications that production and industrial processes can have on the surrounding environment. We are involved not only in the management of special waste, but also in monitoring industrial discharges, atmospheric emissions, and environmental noise. Furthermore, we contribute to remediating disused industrial sites and areas where the environment has been compromised. Our organization is strongly committed to preserving the environment and human health.

The preparation of the Report allowed us to get involved and anticipate future reporting obligations, as required by the Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive (CSRD).

The achieved results

The phase of environmental data collection has been very challenging, considering the complexity of the multiple sites and the interconnection between activities. However, we have tried to highlight our transformation processes, showing the main incoming and outgoing flows.

Looking to the future, we aim to further improve our indicators, integrating them with other frameworks to promote the circular approach in our processes, especially in waste treatment. This goal will require a more detailed mapping of the incoming and outgoing flows and the interdependencies between the various sites, allowing us to calculate global circularity indices.

The Balance also highlighted current commitments, including investments in renewable energies, the use of recycled plastic for packaging aggregates, and environmental, safety, and sustainability awareness and training activities, carried out internally and externally.

The next steps

Looking to the future, we have outlined a clear path for sustainability with short, medium, and long-term goals. Among the most important actions, there is the implementation of a diversity and inclusion policy, the involvement of suppliers in sustainability training activities, and initiatives to reduce the carbon footprint of our organization.

We want to continue to actively engage the entire company in pursuing sustainability goals, creating widespread awareness of the role that each of us can play in creating a more sustainable future.

The Sustainability Report represents only the beginning of our journey towards a future in which we want to be protagonists and ambassadors of sustainability, especially in the valorization of resources.

Press review