Activity - 4 May 2023

Sustainably in... class!

Gesteco at the Primary School of Povoletto

Environmental education training

Since always Gesteco has been supporting and promoting the development of a responsibility-based ethical approach which materializes in the ability to choose and act consciously and implies the commitment to develop ideas and promote actions aimed at the continuous improvement of one's living environment, starting from daily life at school and personal involvement in routine practices towards the surrounding environment.

The Team Beeability made themselves available to help even the youngest to pay more attention to the context and the environment in which we live, a fundamental point of citizenship education closely related to environmental education.

Wednesday, May 4th, some members of the Team Beeability were hosted and warmly welcomed by the 4th grade class A and 4th grade class B of the Primary School of Povoletto.

The lesson given by our environmental experts aimed to promote decisive changes in the attitudes and behaviors of people, especially in these young students. It is important that they develop a new way of conceiving the environment and relate to it right away.

During the time spent together, topics related to preserving the territory, how to avoid waste starting from recycling, the importance of analyzing climate change and pollution in its multiple forms were discussed. As well as promoting the use of renewable energies and eco-sustainable consumption.

The goal is to instill in the new generations the awareness that the planet's resources are limited, and that it is up to all of us to reshape the relationship between humans and the environment, to reach a vision where the former does not seek to indiscriminately exploit the latter, but rather learns to respect nature and preserve the richness that it daily gives us.

Environmental education

Environmental education, in summary, aims to educate human beings, starting from the youngest, to manage their behaviors in relation to the ecosystem, without altering the balance of nature while at the same time managing to meet the needs of the community.

At the end of the intervention, all the children received a symbolic medal, signed by Beeability, which appointed them as "Environmental Stewards".

The joy and enthusiasm shown give us hope that all the concepts conveyed during the day have been understood responsibly. We are certain that there will be a desire to put into practice all the advice given, sharing it as much as possible.

A special thanks goes to the entire school committee of Povoletto, to the group of parent representatives, and in particular to teacher Giulia, who allowed us to involve the children in a very important journey, for a better future.