Events - 20 April 2023

Music and Solidarity with the charity concert of the Freevoices Choir

On Thursday 20th April 2023, at the Adelaide Ristori Theater in Cividale, we spent a wonderful evening full of magic and solidarity

We are Il Tempo, a show rich in meanings

In collaboration with Mittelfest and UEB Gesteco Cividale and with the patronage of the Municipality of Cividale, we organized, exactly a week ago, at the Teatro Adelaide Ristori in the ducal town, the concert of the Freevoices Show Choir titled "We are the time", in support of the Associazione Comunità del Melograno of Udine.

For the second consecutive year, Gesteco and the industrial world meet the artistic world through a shared approach: that of sustainability. Two different perspectives, but intersecting in the need to raise awareness in the communities and touch consciences, as explained by the artistic director of the Freevoices, Manuela Marussi: "The event is inspired by the objectives of the UN's Agenda 2030 for Sustainable Development and interprets them in musical scenes in the dimensions of time, accompanying the music with brief reflections on original texts by Sergio Sichenze."

With We are the time, we wanted to involve and sensitize people, offering a moment of leisure and fun, and at the same time of reflection, with a space dedicated to solidarity. The entire proceeds from the sale of tickets and spontaneous donations will be donated to the Associazione Comunità del Melograno, which has been committed for years to developing support activities for adults with intellectual disabilities.

Once again, the show immersed us in our inner world through music. A reflection on our role as decisive actors for a sustainable world in all its facets.

Thanks to all the supporters of the event

Thanks to all the people, authorities, and the general public who took part in the show. Your contribution was essential to achieve the event's objective: to support, together, a noble cause.

Infinite thanks to the Comunità del Melograno OdV, for being a point of reference for all families and people with intellectual disabilities. Their goal is to enhance the vulnerabilities of others, welcoming and transforming them into opportunities, with a view to true inclusion.

A heartfelt acknowledgment to the Mittelfest Festival and the United Eagles Basketball Cividale who, as main partners, were decisive in the success of the event.

Our house - The project for a glimpse into the future

The proceeds of the evening will contribute to the realization of Casa Nostra, the innovative social co-housing project, which represents another piece of the Melograno's activities. Possible autonomy, self-determination, and social inclusion are the key words of the project. 6 private accommodations and large communal spaces will provide an adequate response to the needs of protected residential living.

We are very proud to have organized this evening and to be part of this project, the result of a real team effort. With a shared approach, that of sustainability, we are committed, through our small actions in the area, to spread the seeds to build a better world suitable for everyone.