Activity - 3 March 2022

Gesteco: sites and facilities increasingly attentive to sustainability

Gesteco took another step towards a green and sustainable future by deciding to rely on an electricity supplier that will guarantee 100% of its origin from renewable sources.

"We have secured it for the year 2022 and then in the future the purchase of electricity from certified renewable sources," explains Adriano Luci, President of Gruppo Luci.

It is a strongly desired choice to continue outlining an important path of the entire Gruppo Luci towards environmental sustainability: not only the administrative offices and offices, but also all the plants and operational sites are involved in this process of improvement.

The aim is to make Gruppo Luci self-sufficient from an energy point of view with the installation of photovoltaic systems in strategic company locations. Recently, an additional photovoltaic system has been installed for the offices of the logistics headquarters of the Aggregates and Pre-packed Materials Division of Gesteco located in Pradamano, and an area with photovoltaic modules has been acquired for one of the group's companies.

To underline this commitment, several studies have been carried out to redevelop some exhausted landfills through the installation of photovoltaic parks: an important initiative towards the conversion of areas no longer usable for a more sustainable future.

"We should cover all the factories with photovoltaics. – highlights President Luci – I believe that if in the coming years we could implement a national policy where instead of occupying green spaces, we occupied the roofs of existing warehouses, we could probably achieve a good result." And he continues: "We must also start from the premise that raw materials are increasingly scarce and, above all, come from other countries, so we must ensure that we create conditions that allow us to be autonomous in some respects and, where we cannot be, that allow us not to waste anything."

Watch the Telefriuli program

TG of 02/03/2022