Activity - 13 January 2022

Gesteco in support of art in our territory

"The Shape of Infinity" at Casa Cavazzini (Udine) is increasingly successful

Gesteco has enthusiastically chosen to support a unique opportunity for the city of Udine and for our territory. The exhibition opened on October 16th of last year at Casa Cavazzini and is proving to be a real success in terms of attendance and following. Until March 27th, 2022, the exhibition will give its visitors the opportunity to admire prestigious and extremely valuable artistic works, including 11 previously unseen masterpieces. The exhibition The Shape of Infinity is already proving to be an exceptional, unprecedented event that will transform Udine into a city of spectacular attraction in Italy and Europe for art enthusiasts.

50 amazing works

...and a truly exclusive "surprise"!

The rooms of the museum of modern and contemporary art of the main city of Friuli are about to become the theater space where 50 stunning works, like actors who live and speak, will captivate visitors in a story capable of touching the heart and intelligence and surprising with scenes of beauty and absolute privileges. It will also host the painting Still Life in Front of "L'Espérance" by Paul Gauguin (Paris 1848 - Hiva Oa 1903), a true spiritual testament of the artist.

"The shape of infinity"

A journey of over 100 years among internationally renowned artists

The exhibition The Shape of Infinity is a key to understanding modern and contemporary art, uncovering its fundamental intention: to make visible that infinity lurks behind the first appearance of things and that in the human heart dwells an immense longing for infinity or a raw pain in case it is considered unattainable.

A hundred-year journey of beauty, from figurative to abstract, in the mystical atmosphere of the rooms of Casa Cavazzini, in a privileged contact with breathtaking works, signed by the greatest geniuses of the art of the last two centuries: Claude Monet, Paul Cézanne, Alfred Sisley, Henri Matisse, Dante Gabriel Rossetti, Mikhail Nesterov, František Kupka, Vasilij Kandinskij, Aristarch Lentulov, Natal’ja Gončarova, Odilon Redon, Maurice Denis, Jacek Malczewski, Mikalojus Čiurlionis, Nikolaj Rerich, Medardo Rosso, Umberto Boccioni, Pablo Picasso, Emilio Vedova, Ernst Fuchs, Hans Hartung, and others.

The intention of the curator and artistic director Don Alessio Geretti

The theme of the exhibition already opens doors to vast landscapes of the soul. According to the project designed by the curator, Don Alessio Geretti - a priest from Udine and artistic director of the exhibitions in Illegio - The Shape of Infinity is indeed a key to enter into modern and contemporary art, even for those who normally struggle to understand it, discovering one of the fundamental intentions that have animated many painters since the end of the nineteenth century and throughout the twentieth century: to make visible the infinite that whispers to the mind and human heart behind the first appearance of things.

Man cannot understand anything about himself, his condition, his greatness, and his restlessness, without realizing that he is an immense aspiration towards the infinite. That is why art exists: not to produce frivolous ornaments or to reproduce the features of what we have in front of our eyes, but to give form to that tension towards the infinite, enchanting and mysterious, which makes us unique in the universe.

Amidst brushstrokes and colors, mystical landscapes and bold abstractions, the masterpieces of the greatest art geniuses, especially from Impressionism onwards, lift the veil of the visible world and let emerge on the surface of the paintings the enigmas, the nostalgias, the quests of those who perceive the other side of reality, or the pain of finiteness without prospects of those who are convinced that there is no answer to the question of the infinite that we carry within.

How to visit the exhibition

From October 16, 2021 to March 27, 2022, it is possible to access the exhibition in small groups of people, to ensure health and compliance with current regulations.

Below are the opening hours:
Monday 14.00 – 18.00
Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday 9.00 – 18.00
Friday, Saturday, Sunday 9.00 – 19.30