Activity - 3 March 2022

Gesteco: 572 tons of carbon dioxide less thanks to green energy

A green and sustainable future for Gesteco of Gruppo Luci: all offices and plants will receive energy from 100 percent renewable sources. A turning point made possible by the decision to rely on an electricity supplier that will guarantee its origin.

How does it work

Not only the administrative offices and offices, but also all the plants and operational sites of the company are involved in this improvement process.

Basically the energy used is always the same, but it must be certified by the supplier with the so-called "Guarantee of Origin"; this certification ensures that the same amount of energy consumed by Gesteco is produced from renewable sources in another part of the world. In this way the level of carbon dioxide emissions is lowered globally and the company's indirect emissions (Scope 2 of the international standard Greenhouse Gas Protocol) are significantly reduced.

This is a strongly desired choice to continue delineating an important path of the entire Luci Group towards environmental sustainability.

The turning point in 2021

During 2021, thanks to the support of Enel X (a company of the Enel Group that provides innovative solutions for the energy transformation in a sustainable development approach), Gesteco has started the activity of reporting energy consumption and its use, which led to the drafting of the first Circular Economy Report.

This document allowed for the scientific and objective quantification of the company's level of circularity. Specifically, it was estimated that the company's transition to green energy will avoid the emission of about 572 tons of carbon dioxide over the course of a year.

Concurrently with this activity, an additional photovoltaic system was installed for the offices of the logistics headquarters of the Aggregates and Pre-packed Materials Division of Gesteco located in Pradamano, and a new area equipped with photovoltaic modules was acquired for one of the companies of the Gruppo Luci.

The next steps

The increase in renewable energy is also one of the long-term goals that the Luci Group has set for itself, pursuing the SDGs (Sustainable Development Goals) defined by the Agenda 2030, the action program proposed by the UN for sustainable development. The aim is to make the Luci Group self-sufficient in terms of energy by installing photovoltaic systems in strategic company locations. "We can consider this choice as an intermediate step towards increasing autonomously produced renewable energy," said Adriano Luci, president of the Luci Group. Our ambitious ultimate goal is to make all our plants self-sufficient."

To underline this commitment, several studies have also been carried out to requalify some exhausted landfills through the installation of photovoltaic parks: it is an important initiative towards the conversion of areas no longer usable for a more sustainable future. "In this historical moment in which the prices of raw materials and electricity itself have grown significantly - Adriano Luci emphasized - we still wanted to invest in something in which we believe a lot, and which we think will become an increasingly essential choice for the future and for all realities."