Activity - 18 May 2022

Business tour for university students at Gesteco dedicated to sustainability

The students of the Industrial Engineering for Environmental Sustainability course at the University of Udine present today at the University Business Tour at our Povoletto and Remanzacco locations.

A morning dedicated to sustainability, with a series of activities and guided tours by the professionals of Gesteco, with the aim of bridging the gap between the training reality and the business reality, highlighting how sustainability is a cross-cutting and fundamental factor in all activities within a company.

The route of the Business University Tour

1. Visit to Beeability, the idea incubator on Sustainability in Remanzacco

The Business tour started at the headquarters in Remanzacco, with the welcome greeting from Adriano Luci, president of the Group, and his speech about Gesteco's work approach and the companies of the Luci Group, which places sustainability and the principles of the circular economy at the core of the business: from daily activities in the company to the services offered to partners and clients, even involving the community and the entire territory.

Below, the operational manager of the Prefabricated Division of Gesteco, Alex Luci, and the environmental engineering specialist Iaiza, with the intervention "The real enterprise is to be sustainable" provided an overview of the integrated activities carried out by Gesteco, the methodologies and technologies used.

With the presentation of some case studies, they also clearly showed how sustainability fits as a cross-cutting lever in all the company's projects.

Finally, the team of Beeability®, the incubator of ideas and projects oriented towards sustainability of the Luci Group, illustrated how Gesteco, for over thirty years, operates with attention and respect towards the environment."

2. Visit to the headquarters of Gesteco

The students visited the facilities of Gesteco in Povoletto, specifically the laboratory and analysis area. Dr. Gatto, responsible for the mentioned area, together with his staff, provided an interesting explanation of the activities of applied research and analysis related to environmental issues.

Finally, the students had the opportunity to undergo cognitive interviews with the Human Resources manager, Mrs. Driussi. A way to deepen awareness of the various roles and professional profiles in which Gesteco shows a strong interest.

A special thanks to the heads of the Faculty of Engineering at the University of Udine and all the students participating in the Business Tour, for their interest in this initiative aimed at in situ knowledge of our company reality.